BEFORE: Severely bowed wall with cracks
This is an extreme example of a failing foundation

BEFORE: Bowed wall
Notice the violent break in this wall

BEFORE: Violent break in wall
The homeowner was afraid to utilize this space for parking their car because they thought maybe the wall would buckle and cave in

BEFORE: Notice the cracks in the wall
Before repair

AFTER: Repairing failing foundation wall
we manipulated the wall as far back as we could, approximately 3 1/2"

AFTER: Repairing failing foundation wall
We then opened the slab and installed a footing with rebar extending up the full height of the new wall. These areas were filled solid with concrete.

AFTER: Repairing failing foundation wall
We also sprayed a waterproof membrane with a drainage matting and footing drain to reduce static pressure on the foundation before backfill.

AFTER: Repairing failing foundation wall
Because of how violent a break this wall experienced, we had to excavate the foundation.

AFTER: Repaired failing foundation wall
Installing a new wall here was the best approach for this particular project

AFTER: Repaired failing foundation wall
Our homeowner is now comfortable utilizing this valuable area of the property.